
Brain Therapy

Brain therapy is a form of hands on therapy, taught by Bruno Chikly,MD, that addresses brain and spinal cord pathologies, allowing release of brain-centered restrictions. I have found this useful for anyone with head aches, whiplash, concussions, closed head injuries, and any traumas to the face or head. I have also found this very useful to people following “shocks” of any kind that cause a sudden concern for ones own well-being or that of another. There are numerous examples of “shocks” but they often leave the nervous system” stunned” that can be palpated in the brain and organs. This work helps that get released wonderfully. The brain therapy also helps free joints and structures in the body that are holding onto “fight or flight” energy. Examples of this are the head and neck post whiplash; scar tissue from mastectomies or any other emotional surgeries; any head or facial injuries.

Core Strengthening

Core strengthening is strengthening and stabilizing that part of the body between the diaphragm ( breathing muscle under the lungs) and the pelvic floor, especially the deepest muscles of this region, the transverse abdominus in the front and the mutifidus in the back and the pelvic floor muscles below. Exercises are done keeping this core stabilized with good spinal position while moving the extremities, using a therapy ball or performing other functional activities. This is very important to anyone doing free weights or exercise machines and helps anyone with balance problems. It is especially important during pregnancy and post-partum. I have found so many pregnant women with back pain helped by learning and practicing this and learning body mechanics. I have also found this very important for anyone with a herniated or bulging disc in the back.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a light touch modality that works on freeing up the central nervous system which can have far reaching effects throughout the entire body. This nervous system is enclosed in the cranium and spinal cord in the spinal dura down to the tailbone and is bathed by cerebral spinal fluid in a semi-hydraulic fluid system. This system is “pumped” by the production and drainage of the cerebral spinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain. This produces a “rhythm” that can be palpated throughout the body and assessed for rate, expansion, character, and roughly runs at a rate of 6-12 times per minute. It can be accessed through “bony handles” of the skull bones and the sacrum and ca also be felt into the extremities. Where this rhythm isn’t moving correctly is often where there are restrictions in the tissues which can then be freed. Included in this modality of craniosacral therapy is the assessment and treatment of “energy cysts” found anywhere in the body. These “energy cysts “ are “ energetically encapsulated” traumas, that were too much for the person to withstand at the time they occurred and can be any form of physical, emotional or mental traumas or any combination of these. They rob the body of energy by being in the body and prevent the tissues they are located in from fully healing. This could be from surgical trauma, high velocity injuries like car accidents and falls, physical assaults of any kind and childhood emotional wounds. Once they are freed the body tissues can heal there and the person has less density in the body and more life force. Craniosacral therapy stimulates the parasympathetic or calming nervous system so one is often more relaxed and in less pain following a treatment. A treatment is usually done with the person clothed, lying on a soft table in a private room.


Hypnotherapy works by allowing one to relax very deeply, though still fully aware of all your senses. This allows your brain to be in an optimal state to change old patterns and be open to release old traumas that the active mind wants to block access to. I have found this to be helpful for children who have somatic pain or are suffering the results of early traumas that they or their parents aren’t aware of. It is also helpful for people with very active minds who have trouble relaxing that prevents them from releasing the traumas through Somato Emotional Release. They are better able to release with hypnotherapy.

Joint Mobilization

Joint mobilization is a passive movement applied to a joint in a specific direction in order to help release a tight joint of the extremities or the spine and relax the surrounding muscles, increase range of motion and focuses on mimicking the gliding motion that occurs normally in that joint. Sometimes the gentle glides of joint mobilization help stimulate the joint proprioceptors and help re-establish normal brain/ joint communication necessary for normal joint motion.

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a holistic approach to promoting a healthy lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a complex network of vessels and ducts that move fluid throughout the body and is responsible for moving toxins away from healthy cells and carrying germ-fighting materials to cells when they are under attack by viruses. Though fluid moves through the lymphatic system, it does not have its own pumping mechanism. Lymphatic drainage is a type of therapy that is intended to help the body produce a free-flowing lymphatic system. This type of therapy consists of a manual massage, performed by a lymphatic drainage therapist. Such a massage primarily focuses on specific lymph nodes and points of the body, as well as the natural flow of the lymphatic system. To help lymph fluid move through the body, special rhythmic hand strokes are used, which many patients consider very relaxing. Proponents of lymphatic drainage believe that the process will reduce blockages of the lymphatic system, which in turn promotes a healthier body. When the lymphatic system becomes blocked, lymph nodes may become swollen. Further, the system fails to remove the body’s toxins and can even affect white blood cell counts. Lymphatic drainage is believed to reduce blockage, which promotes health in the lymphatic system as well as other bodily systems such as the circulatory, respiratory, muscular, and endocrine systems. It has been recommended for conditions like lymphederma, in which a blockage in the lymphatic system causes swelling in the arms or legs. Some therapists believe that lymphatic drainage therapy can also reduce allergies, menstrual cramps, and colds and other illnesses caused by viruses. While lymphatic drainage is often about preventative health care and is considered safe, physical symptoms, such as swollen glands, can indicate a problem with the lymphatic system and should be evaluated by a physician. In addition to lymphatic drainage therapy, there is research that indicates there are additional measures people can take to promote a free-flowing lymphatic system. Some of these measures include things as simple as avoiding tight-fitting undergarments such as bras, underwear, and pantyhose, and other restrictive clothing. Reducing stress can also help promote a healthy lymphatic system, as well as regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Muscle Energy Techniques

Muscle energy technique is a kind of neuromuscular treatment that asks the patient to activate a certain muscle in a particular direction and from a precise position and is given a precise counter force to that motion in order to re-set the length of shortened muscle in an extremity or the spine. This then helps restore range of motion, and/or allow a body part, or joint like the pelvis or spine to get into correct position. I have found this helpful throughout the body, vertebrae, ribs, pelvis, tight joints or wherever there is imbalance in motion.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release is a form of hands on therapy treating the soft tissue that can be done directly into the barrier of motion of the tissues or indirectly. It involves a low load stretch that is held over time until the fascias’ restrictive bonds are released. It is often very comfortable to receive and can have great results for increasing range of motion and decreasing pain.

Neural Manipulation

Neural Manipulation identifies and releases local nerve restrictions while at the same time examines the effect of these local fixations on the rest of the body, and by accessing this relationship, resolves the more comprehensive (global) dysfunctional patterns. Neural Manipulation was developed in clinical practice by world-renowned French Osteopath and Physical Therapist Jean-Pierre Barral. French Osteopath Alain Croibier collaborated with Jean-Pierre Barral to develop NM. The courses are based on clinical techniques personally developed by Jean-Pierre Barral combined with Alain Croibier’s scientific information. Neural Manipulation examines mechanical relationships between the cranium/spine hard frame to the dura and neural elements. It provides assessment and treatment approaches to address restrictions of the dural and neural components not commonly focused on with musculoskeletal symptoms. Neural Manipulation identifies and releases local nerve restrictions while at the same time examines the effect these local fixations have on the rest of the body, and by accessing this relationship, resolves the more comprehensive (global) dysfunctional patterns.

New Manual Articular Approach

The New Manual Articular Approach, as developed by Jean-Pierre Barral, is a way to evaluate and treat each major joint for it’s major dysfunction and also the physiological systems contributing to it’s dysfunction, whether, vascular, nerve, organ, fascia or emotional pattern. Basically any injured joint in the extremities or the spine can benefit from this technique. It allows the communication between the joint and the cerebellum of the brain to re-connect after being disturbed by an injury. Once re-stored the brain will then call on the muscles around the joint to be recruited more normally and fully heal. By stimulating the proprioceptors in the tendons the communication with the brain necessary for the joint to work right gets re-established.


Reiki is a form of energy healing originated in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usai, that uses a hands-on technique to transfer universal life energy from the Reiki practitioner who serves as a vessel to where it is most needed in a person. Reiki promotes healing by balancing the subtle energies in our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances and also results in deep relaxation and stress reduction. It can benefit everyone.

Somato Emotional Release

Somato Emotional Release is a therapeutic hands on technique that is one form of craniosacral therapy. Using therapeutic dialogue, imagery, and touch the person’s body is helped to release past physical, emotional or mental traumas or combinations of these which are stored in the body as “energy cysts”. The therapist is trained to find these “energy cysts” and send energy through them, and while the therapist listens to and monitors the tissues, the person is guided through the release of these past traumas or negative experiences. I have found that until these energy cysts are released often an injured area doesn’t heal because the body’s micro current energy goes around these cysts. The body robs the area of life force energy to maintain these “encapsulated” energy cysts. Pain in the body can be physical, mental, or emotional or all three and I have found that until the emotional or mental traumas are freed from the tissues, pain often remains. I have also found as these cysts are released the person feels lighter and less weighted down by old traumas and even younger looking.


Strain/ Counterstrain is an osteopathic hands on technique developed of Lawrence Jones in the early 1960’s that involves resetting the neuromuscular muscle spindle in a muscle and Golgi tendon organ receptors in tendons and joints using a passive positional release of a body part for a certain amount of time (90 secs. To 3 min.). This often stops a muscle from being in spasm and allowing joints to be in more correct alignment and thus less pain. I have found this useful for both chronic and acute conditions. After any high velocity injury where muscles go into spasm, the new shorter length of a muscle is perceived by the brain as normal and can stay that way indefinitely. Not until the muscle length is “re-set” to normal by strain/counterstrain and the spasm stopped does the vertebrae or joint go into place.

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is a gentle hands-on modality that works through the body’s visceral or organ system to locate and free abnormal points of tension throughout the body. Because the body “hugs” a lesion , in essence these “hugs” can be palpated in order to find the areas of restrictions in the body. And there are assessment tools to determine the hierarchy of these restrictions so the ones that are causing the most problems for the person can be freed first allowing more compensatory ability for the body. The advance trainings in this modality, which I have had, also helps free the emotional energies stored in the tissues and balance the body/mind connection.